Contests & Giveaways

Initiatives rewarding active participation in the Zeal Protocol ecosystem.

Month One: "New Contract Kickoff"

To boost our organic growth, encourage word-of-mouth promotion, and reward our most active investors we will host numerous Community giveaways and contests on a weekly basis.Each month the preset activities will be updated in our whitepaper and across our social platforms. Below you can see the 1st Month breakdown

Week 1:

Liquidity Add Contest - Three out of the 20 biggest liquidity providers to the protocol in the first week will receive bonus tokens equal to 0.1% of the supply each.Social Media Campaign - Five community members will be rewarded for sharing/retweeting posts about successful usage of the ZAP system, Yield Vault, or other services.Early Adopters Airdrop - Conduct an airdrop for early users of the ZAP system. Ten random users of the ZAP system in the first three days will receive an airdrop of 0.5% of the supply, split among them.

Week 2:

Referral Bonanza - Three community members who have referred the most users to use our services or provide liquidity to Zeal Protocol will be rewarded. ZealForge Contest - A contest for the two best/most innovative projects created via the contract factory will take place. The winning projects will be rewarded with Zeal Protocol tokens. The contest will have a duration of one month. Cross-Chain Contest - Users who make the highest number of successful cross-chain swaps using ZealSwap will receive bonus tokens. This helps encourage the usage of ZealSwap.

Week 3:

Community AMA - Organize an AMA to discuss the progress of the new contract. Reward participants with tokens for their insightful questions and suggestions.Video Contest - A giveaway for users who share their success stories with the Zeal Protocol token and services in a creative video format. The most liked/shared videos will receive a token prize. The contest will last for two weeks.

Week 4:

Milestone Celebration - If liquidity is sustained at more than 100 ETH in the pool, five random LP providers who used the ZAP mechanic will be rewarded extra tokens. Meme Contest - A Twitter meme contest will take place. We will retweet the best ones, and the creators of the three memes with the most likes and retweets will win Zeal Protocol tokens worth $150 each.

Month Two... TBA

Last updated